Friday, December 24, 2004

ireland at last

well we travelled all night were at a party where we drank wine like it was in shots !!!
Got to dublin airport so sick , hungover , tired and sunburnt some photograpgher from a paper took my pic at the airport ...we just scowled !!!
so home sweeet home at last into the complete madness of christmas eve
so everyone get to my moms place to see me and my incredible christmas sunburn !!!
also many gifts and drink available !!!
Happy Christmas and a very Merry New YEar !!
here is to travelling the world , meetying hot millionaire boys in 2005 after I win the chrsitmas lotto !!!
Love ya

Wednesday, December 22, 2004


ok so back in brussels the scene of the crime ! did some shopping for dead fish and stuff yesterday all done now
have the worst sunburnever since satuurday was wearing a bikini so its pretty much all over my body !
Its fucking minus three here so its quite a radical treatment !! it will be first christmas with sunburn i just hope ot stave off the peeling
cant wait ot get back to the emerald isle ! see yáll soon

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

going to be a big media celebr ity !

like i wasnt one already...ayway going on a chat show as a guest tommorrow for local channel 'Channel 10' also a paper. The Daily News asked me to write a column of my experiences here in tanzania.
i told them the dead fish story and they loved it. ! funny stuff also was in this 10 person limo at the wedding last week so they have photos curtesy of issa so it will be funny if nothing else .
Talk to yall later

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


hi all
still here in te blistering heat in tanzania theres little festive fun to sunburn but anyway ....
hope everyone else is feelin festive , im looking forward to a break from work deffo.
Be in LK for the 24th and let the fun and frolics commence from then really
hope everyone is in good form .
love lois

Thursday, December 09, 2004


WENT OUT LAST NIGHT AND HAD TO DRIVE MY MATE ISSAS JEEP HOME . Its a nissan patrol and the drivers here are totally crazy !!! espiecially the dala dala drivers who are out of their minds ....oh well it was fun !
I also got to see a music festival here it was cool Issa is a photograpgher for the biggest national daily paper so we got ot go on stage and everything
pretty cool ....I also found out they have fighter jets here we dont even have them if we're attacked all we have are soem flying chikcken coops right ? These are cool ...
well got ot go work today is independance day in tanzania and ive been out rounding up stuff for christmas for you guys !!
merry crimbo its hard ot get festive hwen its 36 degrees and sunny , christmas carols and sunburn dont go right together but anyway , see you all soon ...

Monday, December 06, 2004

hey hey

well another day another dollar ....good day today . looking forward ot getting home for crimbo!
i have taken stoc and the dead fish and stuff are on the way
so today I ended up on a tour of an african dairy famr , it was smelly shitty and reminded me of the good old days in macra na Feirme
Only it was high heels and cow pats ? ! The only two white people in a twelve mile radius ....we bought bananas off the street coming back . good bananas people here are terribly poor they live in a lot of poverty
its an eyeopener ...
anyhow take care

Sunday, December 05, 2004

bad news for christmas

Bad news for gifts this christmas .....

well the shopping here is( shite theres nothing ) minimal and when i get to brussels i mightened have time so that leaves home on the 23rd so only christmas eve to get gifts ...this may be problematic
so everyone will get something from africa , the most available shite is animal skins or masai art .
so zebra , antelope , tembo or elephant just let me know your wishes ...ha hahahahah

Any requests for men will not be dealt with as any cute ones here are earmarked for me and im not bloody paying the extra luggage to fucking amsterdam !

anyhow i am kind of joking but its a fact theres no shopping ...

Saturday, December 04, 2004

dom dedom

i start todays blog with the tragic news that d for duck has joined the angels he got attacked by a fox with his chicken mates at bagnells house....
im sure he tried to protect the chickens and he fought bravely ,what a hero !He gave his life so that others might live !
he will go down in history as one of the bravest , most handsome ducks ever never shall we see his like again ...sob sob sob

In other news one of my [pilot mates was in a similar situation he had to ditch his cessna in the indian ocean after losing engines . He got both of his passengers out and they were all in the water for 21 hours before resuce.! Well done to Gabby ! we were all out celebratig this fantastic feat last night.
I met up with my aussie hunk Brett ! He called me to go out as he was in Dar for one night only.
I had to fight them off with the stick another guy Faz tried his luck too but I did a cinderella and dissappeared home alone at 4 am .
Been a really hard week but having kami here has helped a lot. Just went for a massage and got my hair done its really short now ( heat ) and kind of curly too and i got my ears pierced this morning . Ill be a new woman when i get home in three weeks .
Hi everyone love ya ....micha

dom de dom de dom