Friday, January 28, 2005

losing the excess baggage

Ella is right men relly are like jobs and buses none ofr ages then three come long together then none for ages .
got rid of some excess baggage which is cool still freinds hich is important feel like a weight has been lifted. was out ofr dinner last night with the norwegian which was cool was at an embassy party first whihc was too mcuh ike work for my liking . Its always thrilling going thru the shuge thick steel doors even if it is like fort knox inside its cool
Have been in discussion and have almost booked my flight home in march currently have a flight to london but need some help to book from london aer lingus as i wont get to london until 7pm so i have to fly aer lingus to dublin where sparky will pick me up .anyone who can help facilitate this flight please get in touch ...
so almost home isnt a problem
its on march 11th and back on the 21st ...just enough time ot see all my favourite people...
work has been good this week ... but looks set to get hectic next week .
Thank crunchie its friday talk later ...shelley

Sunday, January 23, 2005

i bruise easily

I bruise easily So be gentle when you handle me, cant scratch the surface without moving me underneath . Words from a song that gra gave me on a cd for christmas beautifu words but so true. We are all a lot more fragile than we know .
Zanzibar was fantastic our mystery benefactor chartered a flight for the three of us and we were whisked to an idyllic resort ,it was so romantic ,. Perfect for a honeymoon it was just so gorgeous , the beach was long white fine sand , turqiose water that was warm !!
It was so pretty we lived in these gogeous chalets that looked outinto the water and the surrounding african bush . We had a dnner by the pool arabian style and then out for dancing bongo music stil isnt my favourite . We were treated like princesses it was so lovely . Really an exotic experience.
Anyway hope that shame doesnt upset Ella today and the message is honey donet worry easy come easy go .

Saturday, January 22, 2005

shame shame shame

So Dinner with the guy went really well went to the Ethiopian restauraunt it was lovely candleight and exotic out in the night air ...
Then i went out with Kami and a freind to the club and drank more than i should have. and was feeling under the weather.
So im really sore today and kamila and i are going to zanzibar for the evening so right now im supposed ot be packing. Was swimming by the pool earlier with the dinner guy lets call him boy b which ws nice .
Anyway vowing to stay away from all boys for now they aint nothing but trouble. Lets see how ong that policy works ,...

love micha

Friday, January 21, 2005

So long and thanks for the bananas

so this week was nteresting anthroplogically speaking the male species are really fascinating in many ways ..i wonder sometimes how we continue to propogate with the stupidity and total silliness of most of them .
It s hard to see how women found any of them attractive. !!! Its all a new chapter in my book which if course Earhart and I already discussed .

"Men Who Cares What Planet Their From - They are all bastards anyway ..." Thats copyrighted folks ...

This week i met several types all of whom left me wondering about the future of the human race . The first demanded a lot and then announced he didnt believe in making effort for women anyway after all it got him no where . Well that attitude certainly wont get you anywhere sunny jim !!Women like romance they like spontaneity not to be told you are not worth effort . Play hard to get too much and quess what you dont get got !! Good luck with your game plan though P45 winging its way to you

The second met me out and actually despite the fact i didnt give him any info or even a phone no tracked me down to my hotel and called around to invite me out. Much better i'll say . Anyway he then text ot ask me out but when my phone was broken due ot african network problems and i didnt text specifically he assumed i wasnt going and didnt show up . Luckily i brought along the crew so it was a good night anyway !! But silly bugger ....

The Third is Sparky .

Need a holiday from the men in my life well only the last two still remain the first one should know by now where to go . The second is taking me out so we'll see. At the moment his crimes are the least .

Whats the Kylie minogue song Better The Devil You know ???

So the moral of the story is so long and thanks for the bananas

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

ooops i did it again

So I return to Tanzania happy to see the beautiful summer westher and near forty degree heat !!! After the freezing temperatures it was a refreshing change !
I had almost forgotten the heat and the stampede of downtown Dar not that they are polite in ireland i guess they just dont have the colourful noisiness of the Darians .
Even at the airport i was greeted by the freindly shouts of Mambo and Jambo !!No i have continued any study of the swahili language each day i try to find someone to teach me another new word. Yesterday it was Habairi's response Mizuri but what does Mizuri mean ?? I still wonder the gentleman who thought me this word a porter at my hotel lackced the english to explain it . So now i have a new word without any clue as to its meaning . Answers on a postcard please... .
Todays word came along as I drove down samora and someone walked in front of the cab .Kee Cha my driver screamed and explained this time , Crazy !! He also mentioned how the sun sometimes had this effect on people...good to know in the land of eternal sun .
More Tales of Taxis yesterday i picked one up and threw a calender for 2005 of the offcie i had just visited in the back . I got the driver to wait at my next stop the EU Commission however when i came ot i found him arguing emphatically with two unifromed men and shaking my calender around !!
i decided the best course of action was to gnore the ongoing arguement and seat myself down .After a minute he joined me flinging the calender in the bakc. i was silent as he seemed to curse in swahili ( im not fluent but you get the idea of swearing doesnt matter what the language !! )
Seemingly the guards were protecting the taxi area and thought he had strayed onto their patch to pick up customers whereas he had in fact picked me up downtown where the calendar was addressed , he was proving his innocence.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

p45 time perhaps ?

Its not me whos thinking of a p45 but tihnking of issuing it to one other ....
Just here watching Team America with my mateStephen its very funny for an animated puppet theatre thing
good day at work !
Good dinner too with lovely men who are going to africa !! The lovely men who work with me !!
And Kamila , looking forward to going back and kicking ass .

Monday, January 10, 2005

back in brussels

oh the joy of being back in the home of sprouts !!
Well work is cool im being shipped out to Tanz on wed so i might as well enjoy all of the joys of bru while im here
went ot see bridget jones at last and it was cool but not as good as either he first one or the book
went for dinner too and many drinks after which i drunkenly tried to call all boys who may have had an interest in being more than just good freinds ....none answered so now im drunkenly feeling rejected blogging ...not a good sign .
well it is too late for all boys !!! THEY ARE ALL IN BED LIKE LITTLE ANGELS NO DOUBT !!!
as y'all know sparky fucked up royally on saturday and its only now im mad but hes in big trouble . Not sure what to think right now thinking of forgeting the whole thing really . if you dont have trust you have nothing eh ?
hmm feeling bad and sad in belgium looking for love what will i do....

Thursday, January 06, 2005

hi there

well still in the old sod here going slowly crazy from too much exposure ot my family , oh well it was a good christmas !!!
trying to get my life sorted before i head back to africa !! so drinks in town on saturday night after dinner with the sparky about nineish , be there !!!

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

hello new year

hi folks
still in ireland got picked up by sparky boy and driven to limerick where my family had my birthday party which they had all missed cos i was in @Brussels for my birthday !!
had a great few weeks at home despite the frustration of having my baby car sitting outside the door me being unable to drive it
went to galway for a few days and i got rid of my sunburn !!
now went back to college todya and no one had forgotten me so that was cool .
Spraky boy was a great guy over the xmas almost makes me wonder why we split up but he reminded me so thats ok . had a great christmas all the same and hope ive seen all of my mates though sometimes communications have been a little down .
going to the cinema tonight ot see bridget Jones
saw BEE today for coffee and chats which was really cool .
Also going to cineman with ginger , spade and earhart hoep we all have loads of fun ...