Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Poor Poochie

I was a bit sad leaving Limerick last week, as we had found some weird lumps on the beloved family pet Muffy and she was going to the vet. I was afraid, that as I was in Dublin all week, I may never see her again.
Anyhow my sister called me that evening following her visit to the vet with muff-a-luff. The vet had said the lumps were not unusual in a dog of muffys age and that there was a cure. He said the condition was best described as - a moment on the lips a lifetime on the hips...
Yes the dog has love handles! So now the poor thing is on an enforced diet of dried food.
She also has a cataract in one eye, but luckily she doesn't drive often. The other issue is her arthritus. Muffy is 11 which is 77 in dog years so these things are to be expected. Thank god she is ok though cos we were really worried there for a while.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Shelly, Well the comment is not about poor poochie... I was just looking for you and it seems like I amfinally able to find your contact information. Well do you remember? We met in Casablanca... I was there for media training :)
send me an email at alimehmud@yahoo.com

September 27, 2008 at 12:36:00 PM PDT  

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