Friday, September 23, 2005


recovery is slow here from the dreaded hangover . i was iyt with the girls and after my previous experieinces i kissed no boys though there were plenty of takers may i say.
went to maccy ds on the way home . Then this morning well one o clock this afternoon had anpther boozy brunch where we tried everything on the menu .
then we went shopping arpound ikea . becca told me cos there was no creche i had to stay with her and chris and i did .
it was madness . people going crazy for light fixtures and bedclothes . ive never seen the like of it .
well going home soon so a little sad .
love everyone

Saturday, September 17, 2005

good times

so just at home tonight chilling , i cooked dinner !!
anyway went to abu dhabi today to chill
i also got a makeover at the mall
im beat after the weekend , weekend is thursday and friday here
went out on thursday night and got wasted int the door at 5 am after walking along the beach , met a dentist who was so charming !
then friday night went out with the party girls here who sohwed me a really good time fantastic clib called boudoir !! It was excellant
tohugh the men were inclreaslingly short and dangeroulsy arabian looking so we ran off at three am before our carraige turned into a pumkin
any way bye for now xxx

Thursday, September 15, 2005

la di da

so was shopping all over dubai today in the malls and in other secret places it was hilarious. up alleys in secret doorways etc.
the malls here are spectacular , the one near chris and rebeccas is fabulous and represents each mall the country visited by the arab explorer ibn battutta
tunisia ,andalucia, china, india ,and two other places its unbelievable !
got a gucci laptop bag so im the bees knees now. i also got a business suit for upcoming interviews.
its wonderful here but im a littel lonely with the guys they are so in love !
and im a lonely spinster sob sob
oh well

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

hey from dubai

well i meant to say gracious hosts sorry bout that anyway having a great time just chilling by the pool and doing my planning for my new businesses. I have some job interviews while im here so that will be interesting.
I am so inlove with the city of dubai its fabulous ,though it is extreemely hot everytime you wander outside its like walking in an oven.
I think i could really like it here...none of the bullshit with work you get at home
well talk soon love lois

Monday, September 12, 2005


so over in dubai now with becca and chris who are ever so grateful hosts i have to say
its cool really fabulous i mean you cant imagine how luscious and ott but really excellant . having so mcuh fun now im a single girl looking at my options this really could be one
well talk soon , much sooner than since last time