Saturday, April 09, 2005

zanzibar dreams

hi guys well writng this in nungwi beach in zanzibar a place with no connecting roads and just a shitl oads of beach huts ..
but it has an internet cafe and thats important . anyway a big hi to earhart who is herself a legend . Honey ill email during the week but you better write back or else
To those who dont know im hoping to be out of africa soon , ive had enough of dodgy food and frustration in the work department.
Cant wait to get home to my car who loves me glitzy ( thats its name ) ill be back soon kisses , also to my family , my lovely boyfriend who im told is pining and the dog and all my wonderful mates !
Also to CENtra !! Ill never take food in shops for granted again never will i take pennys and dunnes boutique for granted again ! Im a reformed character .
on that note back to the beach this place has some advantages
ps i have a new trainee just your type see the photos on
sign up and add me !!


Blogger Earhart said...

Don't be using my name like that!!!!!! I don't use yours!!!!!

Hey to you too by the way....

I'm looking forward to seeing you home again. I met Ray - your mate steve's friend yesterday.

I'll email you back - I promise.

April 11, 2005 at 4:04:00 AM PDT  
Blogger loislane said...

sorry babes will change ...
good to see your still alive ...
love shelle

April 11, 2005 at 11:11:00 AM PDT  

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