Friday, January 21, 2005

So long and thanks for the bananas

so this week was nteresting anthroplogically speaking the male species are really fascinating in many ways ..i wonder sometimes how we continue to propogate with the stupidity and total silliness of most of them .
It s hard to see how women found any of them attractive. !!! Its all a new chapter in my book which if course Earhart and I already discussed .

"Men Who Cares What Planet Their From - They are all bastards anyway ..." Thats copyrighted folks ...

This week i met several types all of whom left me wondering about the future of the human race . The first demanded a lot and then announced he didnt believe in making effort for women anyway after all it got him no where . Well that attitude certainly wont get you anywhere sunny jim !!Women like romance they like spontaneity not to be told you are not worth effort . Play hard to get too much and quess what you dont get got !! Good luck with your game plan though P45 winging its way to you

The second met me out and actually despite the fact i didnt give him any info or even a phone no tracked me down to my hotel and called around to invite me out. Much better i'll say . Anyway he then text ot ask me out but when my phone was broken due ot african network problems and i didnt text specifically he assumed i wasnt going and didnt show up . Luckily i brought along the crew so it was a good night anyway !! But silly bugger ....

The Third is Sparky .

Need a holiday from the men in my life well only the last two still remain the first one should know by now where to go . The second is taking me out so we'll see. At the moment his crimes are the least .

Whats the Kylie minogue song Better The Devil You know ???

So the moral of the story is so long and thanks for the bananas


Blogger Earhart said...

Perhaps the Devil you know is not the best. Sometimes it's best to cut your losses and start over.

January 24, 2005 at 1:43:00 AM PST  

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